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Membership serves the following purposes:
(1) Allows you to make a greater commitment to the work of the local church.
(2) It gives you the right to call The River your home Church.
(3) It gives you the opportunity to serve in the church in a position of leadership that benefits both yourself and the local body of believers.


Qualifications for membership:
(1) Believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord;
(2) Believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God;
(3) Be committed to daily Christian growth;
(4) Be committed to giving Jesus Christ your time, talent and treasure;
(5) Be supportive of our local church and the ministry of The River;

(6) Be faithful in attendance, participation and the tithe

Local Evangelism and Outreach.

Jesus told Believers to “Go into all the Earth and Preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15). As a local Church we believe one of our Callings in the city of Columbus is to reach those who are lost and do not know the Lord. We believe “Soul Winning” and “Outreach” is not just a program, but a passion that should be inside the heart of every Believer.

Discipleship and Maturing the Believer.

Jesus told us to “Go make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Our mission is to bring those new or weak in the Faith into a maturity through Teachings, Classes, Follow Up and 1 on 1 instruction. We wish to see every Believer become a productive member in the Kingdom of God and bear eternal fruit!


Membership Application

Your personal information is kept secure and locked away. It is not accessible and will not be reviewed by any staff or volunteers other than our Pastors. All new members are welcome to attend one "Jump Start" Class before joining the Church. For more information on our Jump Start classes, click here!

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