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Our RiverKids Team relies heavily upon volunteers. The Children's Director acts as the primary vision caster and leader for this area, overseeing all systems. However, Sundays simply could not happen without our team of volunteers.


RiverKids Volunteer Roles are defined as follows:


Nursery/RiverKids Helper:  Commit to volunteering once a month with our Infants, Puddles or Splash class during the Sunday AM service or Wednesday PM Bible Study.


Registration: To facilitate our check in process for RiverKids. They welcome families so that parents feel confident about leaving their children and kids feel cared for and excited about being in Kids Village. These volunteers will be at the front desk providing printed name tags to the children and corresponding tags to the parents, as well as answering any registration questions that may arise.






We want to hear from you!

We thoroughly enjoy hearing from our River family!Shoot us a message and tell us what brought you to The River to begin with, how you've chosen to get involved and what kind of impact the church has had on your life. 

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